Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jaipur Bombings

Last night, as I was dropping my cousin Umair off at the airport, I saw a glimpse of this horrendous mishap that happened in Jaipur on tv. There were 8 blasts in a bazaar in Jaipur last night, killing nearly 80 people (Times of India says). As I was reading the NYT report, it highlighted the individual lives that have been affected, one of a 4 year old girl who was boarding a rickshaw and lost her entire family...as she was the only survivor.

This was today's front page news here, while it was a small little headline on the NY Times. If I were back home in the States, that's how I would have viewed it too. It's striking how perspectives change depending on your location on the planet.

Please pray for the victims in China and here in India...

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